Pinterest: the app that will give you the best ideas to decorate your home
Pinterest: the app that will give you the best ideas to decorate your home

Take the best ideas, combine them, put your personal touch and make them come true, this is how the best ideas are born, but the question is, where can you find the best decoration ideas? The answer is Pinterest.

This 100% visual social network is a space where millions of people share their work and ideas for decoration, design, fashion and more. All the content is divided by themes and to find them you just have to put the keywords of the theme you are looking for, for example: "interior design" or "apartment decoration" and that's it, that's enough to be able to access millions of examples, where , for sure, you will find something that you will like.

To be part of this social network, simply enter your app store from your smartphone; if you are Android to the Play Store, if you are Apple to your App Store, and search for “Pinterest”. Download it and register with your Facebook or Twitter account. Then, you will have to confirm your account via email and that's it. Once inside the app, they will ask you to choose the topics that interest you the most and you will be able to navigate between images adapted to your tastes and preferences.

The great thing about this application is that you can create your own boards where you can save the images that you like the most. For example, you can create a board called "Ideas to decorate Mateo's room" and start browsing looking for images with the keywords "child's room decoration", then you will see thousands of options and if you find one that you like a lot, simply keep your finger pressed on it and select "Save", then the option "Select board" will appear and you will be able to choose in which board to save the image. The idea is to collect references on your board so that in the end you can combine them, add your personal touch and make them come true.

In addition, through the app you can share your boards with friends, create secret boards or if you wish, upload photos of how Mateo's room ended in order to inspire thousands of people out there who are looking for ideas to make their home a place warmer.



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